Lead the Charge: Manage EV Charge Point Data Across Every Digital Touchpoint

Discover how to make your charging stations visible and easy to find across maps, apps, smartphones, voice assistants, in-car navigation, and more.

Discover how Connected Kerb uses Eco-Movement and Yext make charging stations visible and easy to find across maps, apps, smartphones, voice assistants, in-car navigation, and more. From accuracy and completeness to SEO optimization, companies in the EV space are up against managing a vast amount of data. 

Hear from industry experts Danny Harris at Yext, Ben Boutcher-West, Chief Digital Officer at Connected Kerb, and Roderick van den Berg, CEO of Eco-Movement to understand how to attract drivers actively searching for change points by centrally managing your data.

  • Ways to attract drivers actively searching for charge points by centrally managing your data

  • Challenges faced by EV companies and explore practical, effective solutions to overcome them

  • How to tap into an extensive network of third-party mapping services to ensure your charge points are found when drivers are looking

Who should attend: Brands in the EV space who want to learn how to put their brand on the digital map and their charging locations a go-to destination for EV drivers.